Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Students BUNK Classes?

Bunking a classes can actually improve your performance and various other parameters. Here are 5 reasons on why should break the rule and go out, when you are not supposed to go.

1. Independence : An independent person can only lead a successful life. If he/she has independent ideas and thinking it’ll become easier for him to take decisions in future.

2. Improved academics performance : If you bunk your class, you won’t know how a particular problem has been solved, or how a particular thing works. So what if you were absent. You will spend more time with the books and hence use your brains. So you are not just a robot.

3. Good relationship with teachers : When you bunk, you don’t get attendance. So you go up to your teachers for some help (jugaad). So the harmony between the teacher and the student increases.

4. Fun : The most obvious reason is fun. Increase your awareness by spending quality time with your friends.

5. Peace : Yes,you get peace. The cacophonous class can make you distasteful and hence make you more irritable. So you get what the world wants, “peace “

The other side of Bunking classes
Each argument has two coins. Good that we have coins.
My argument: Rather than bunking, I am thinking of attending extra classes on top of the mandatory classes. By extra classes, I mean seminars, guest speakers, science, business related classes in and outside of the college. The mandatory classes are essential to bring a solid foundation to myself, but one has to build on the solid foundation.
1. Independence: My attending extra classes, my view towards the problems in the world will become broad. I can think in different ways to solve the problems around me.
2. Improved academics performance: By attending extra classes, I will get to know what is happening in other fields and not just get stuck in my field.
3. Good relationship with teachers : As I get to know more teachers, I will get more ideas on what the real problems are and how to resolve them. You never know when you are meeting with a Professor Einstein.
4. Fun : I get to interact with more friends in other classes. Isnt that Fun?
5. Peace : Solving a problem is the mantra of inner peace for me.

Pick your side of the coin and you decide your future. After all choice if yours.

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